Our Voluteer


Great Social Volunteer

Shine Volunteer

Ready to make a lasting impact! Take the first step by joining the Shine Welfare Organization’s ‘Care for Nature’ initiative today. Your commitment is crucial in our quest to safeguard the environment. Don’t wait for change, be the change! Sign up now and be part of a community that values and actively contributes to the health of our planet. Together, we can create a brighter, greener future. Act now, for nature can’t wait. Volunteer with us and let your actions speak for the earth!

Shine Volunteers


Mr. John Doe


Mr. Goundrong


Mrs. Baourat


Mrs. Abaoung

Shine Welfare Society

Donate Now

Join us in our mission to create positive change. Your generosity fuels our efforts and drives progress. Together, we can make a meaningful impact on the world around us. Donate now and be a part of something greater than yourself. Together, we can turn compassion into action.”